I needed to whip up something in a hurry. It was 8 O'clock, Peter was already asking to go to bed, and Chris was running out of entertaining-the-kiddo steam. I perused the internet for "recipes with rice" because that's all the inspiration any of us had... Cream of mushroom and beef came up as a suggestion, but with the usual-canned/boxed pre-prepared-junk-for-ingredients that I don't keep in my pantry. So I checked out the ingredient list, shut my phone off, and went to work. It took 30 mins from starting the rice in boiling water, to dishing up at the table, and the "recipe" I derived had a lot of forgiveness to it. Here is what I did: Sauteed a white...
Hey, are you hanging in there??? This time of year is SO BUSY! Believe me, I know! Peter, and the dogs, and I have been working long days getting moved off of the summer pastures to fall pastures, 20 miles closer to home. We finally finished that process yesterday and we are pooped! It took 7 trailer loads and a couple of other trips to get all of the equipment, supplies, and animals out to their next stops. Needless to say, I am so grateful for my dogs! Peter and I could not have done it without them! We moved 10 pigs and 87 sheep with no loading ramps or corrals. Just the dogs and Peter's very quick and well-timed...
I have been chipping away at life to the tune of a sporadic harmonica, a howling Jameson (dog), and a giggling almost-two-year-old... It has been a riot! I'm not sure what the average bystander would think about our daily routines, but the sheep sure give us some weird looks... As for Peter, it's just another day in the life, full of his favorite things. He follows all the animals around playing various instruments, a harmonica being his most favorite, to see how they might react. For our Lab-Border-Collie cross, Jameson, the urge to howl back is just irresistible. Among the ruckus, we are preparing for our last few weeks of production season, and the transition into breeding season for...
Hi! I don't know how it is for you, but for us this time of year always feels like a race to get everything done before winter hits... Our to-do list is huge, and it's crunch time. We can't afford to be feeling that afternoon slump... So I make extra sure to include organ meats in my meals this time of year. Liver in particular. Have you come to appreciate this sacred food yet BJ? Did you know liver is world renowned for increasing your energy levels? You can read more about the anti-fatigue factor of liver HERE. You don't even have to eat much of it to notice a difference. I just keep a package of frozen liver in the...
Happy August BJ! I honestly can't believe we are already in August... July was jam-packed and it sure flew by. Quite a few things about July were sort of difficult, a lot of things were pretty awesome, and most weeks felt like a rollercoaster of highs and lows. I had a blast at the Wool Festival in Thermopolis. I turned 30! I lost some dear friends and family; some moved away, and some moved on past this life. I got a new dog. We held our breath as a young family member overcame some serious health challenges. It has been truly incredible to witness some great miracles as they have continued to persevere through it all! I submitted an RFA...