I don't know how it is for you, but for us this time of year always feels like a race to get everything done before winter hits...
Our to-do list is huge, and it's crunch time.
We can't afford to be feeling that afternoon slump...
So I make extra sure to include organ meats in my meals this time of year.
Liver in particular.
Have you come to appreciate this sacred food yet BJ?
Did you know liver is world renowned for increasing your energy levels?
You can read more about the anti-fatigue factor of liver HERE.
You don't even have to eat much of it to notice a difference.
I just keep a package of frozen liver in the door of the freezer in our kitchen, and I grate a little bit into our lunches and dinners using a cheese grater, while I'm cooking.
It's a super easy and cost-effective way to increase your vitamin and mineral intake and up your energy levels.
AND you won't even notice that it's in your meals!
Let me know if you try it BJ, and how long it takes before you notice the difference.
Fall is coming right up, so I thought I would let you know that we do have a couple of slots left for lamb and beef shares, if you are finding your freezer to be a bit emptier than you would like it to be going into winter...
Here are the options we have for Fall Lamb Shares.
Lambs go in to the processor on October 10th.
Here are the ones we have available for Fall Beef Shares.
The last group of cattle go into the processor on October 28th.
***All of our bulk meat shares come with organ meats and soup bones if you would like them.***
I will shut off all bulk meat orders for 2024, on September 15th.
Hope you are enjoying the last bit of summer to the fullest!
-BJ, Peter, and the Taste of the Wind Crew
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