I needed to whip up something in a hurry.
It was 8 O'clock, Peter was already asking to go to bed, and Chris was running out of entertaining-the-kiddo steam.
I perused the internet for "recipes with rice" because that's all the inspiration any of us had...
Cream of mushroom and beef came up as a suggestion, but with the usual-canned/boxed pre-prepared-junk-for-
So I checked out the ingredient list, shut my phone off, and went to work.
It took 30 mins from starting the rice in boiling water, to dishing up at the table, and the "recipe" I derived had a lot of forgiveness to it.
Here is what I did:
Sauteed a white onion in butter until it started to turn translucent.
Added about 1/4 lb of raw ground beef we had leftover from another meal earlier this week, and whole mushrooms.
Threw in some spices (salt, pepper, rosemary, thyme, sage).
Stirred every couple of minutes until the ground beef was mostly cooked, but still a little pink in the middle.
Added some bone broth and milk. Probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 cup of each.
Stirred until the mixture was well-combined and then thickened it with a bit of flour, around 2 tablespoons.
The ingredient list didn't call for this, but lastly, I added about 1/3 cup of wine and let it simmer a couple minutes longer.
Oh man did it make the whole thing!
We all enjoyed this creamy sauce over rice and the rest of the evening was history...
There is something about sauteing things in butter and wine...
I love marinating steaks in wine and spices and making reductions with wine. It doesn't need to be nice wine either, it can be stale wine that has been open for quite a while, or cheap wine.
When you need a little secret sauce to make a blah meal- a pretty great meal- it works!
What is your secret sauce?
Let me know if you try this recipe out. I bet it would be even better with lamb!
We had a blast at the Fiber Fest in Riverton this weekend!
We met lots of new fiber friends- ones who work with fiber and ones who grow it!
We met people and animals from hundreds of miles around, we got to go camping by Ocean Lake, and we thoroughly enjoyed the weekend!
I am leaving bulk lamb and beef packages up on our website for one more week because when Peter and I were in Riverton, I had a few folks ask about ordering some meats this fall.
So, bulk beef and lamb packages will be available here in my online store for one more week, and then they will be shut off for the season.
Thanks so much to everyone who has ordered meat this year.
The meat we have delivered so far has gotten some great feedback on flavor and texture.
We are grateful to play a part in nourishing you and the people you love.
Have a great week!
-BJ and the Taste of the Wind Crew
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