Happy August BJ!
I honestly can't believe we are already in August...
July was jam-packed and it sure flew by.
Quite a few things about July were sort of difficult, a lot of things were pretty awesome, and most weeks felt like a rollercoaster of highs and lows.
I had a blast at the Wool Festival in Thermopolis.
I turned 30!
I lost some dear friends and family; some moved away, and some moved on past this life.
I got a new dog.
We held our breath as a young family member overcame some serious health challenges. It has been truly incredible to witness some great miracles as they have continued to persevere through it all!
I submitted an RFA for a really big grant (and hopefully secured my chances of keeping my job with the Wyoming Food Coalition).
I bought a few more sheep.
I got to spend every single day with Peter, and I sure loved that.
It has been kind of crazy, and sort of exhausting, and I think a less-eventful August sounds pretty good.
What was your July like?
Mostly, July left me seeking connection with people I enjoy being around.
That's why I am looking forward to THIS SATURDAY!
I will be hosting a trunk show at Cowgirl Yarn, Laramie's Local Yarn Store, with every product my sheep produce!
I will have felted and tanned pelts, lamb snack sticks, dryer balls, skulls, raw fleeces, and my very first batch of YARN made from my flock's wool!
I'm so excited about how this first batch of yarn turned out, and I can't wait for you to feel it and squeeze it.
I call it "Laramie Lopi."
Lopi, is a traditional yarn very specific to the Icelandic breed of sheep. Because Icelandic sheep yield such long fibers, this yarn can be spun single-ply. rather than having multiple strands of yarn plied together like most shorter-fibered and finer yarns have. Lopi is a single, thick strand of yarn spun loosely into a lofty, fluffy, shiny, soft, and strong strand that (when crafted into garments) makes a durable, extremely warm, and wind-resistant garment that is a joy to wear.
You have to feel this yarn!
It's so shiny and soft. It is nothing like the commercial Lopi that most yarn fanatics are familiar with.
If you can't tell, I'm pretty excited about it.
Come hang out in downtown Laramie, chat, touch soft luxurious wool, and fill Peter and me in on your life,
at Cowgirl Yarn this Saturday from 10AM-3PM.
There will be multiple trunk shows going on, crafting classes, the Hot August Yarn Crawl, some great sales, and we are even scheduled to get a little bit of rain here and there.
It should make for an awesome, and somewhat cool day.
Phew, I'm so grateful for a break in the heat... and so are the sheep!
We are looking forward to seeing you this weekend!
-BJ, Peter, and the Taste of the Wind Crew
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