Snack Sticks are BACK- Now in Mild Pepper and Dill Pickle!

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Happy Thanksgiving from Our Growing Family to Yours!!

Happy Thanksgiving! It has been a couple of weeks since I have blogged... Hello! We had our first son, Peter Henry Edwards, on November 7 at 1am. He weighed 6lbs 15oz and has been strong and healthy from the very beginning. ​ I got to have a quick and completely unmedicated birth experience at our local Ivinson Memorial Hospital. There were no complications and we got to go home a little over 24 hours after Peter was born. I was so grateful for how smoothly everything went and how kind, helpful, and respectful the staff at Ivinson was. ​ We also had the support of our amazing Doula, Jacqueline George out of Medicine Bow, Wyoming. She was so much help...

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The Vinaigrette that Saved the Week!

I'm sure you know the feeling, a fridge so full of leftovers- you can't hardly find anything you need! Every time you open the door, you are waiting for a cascade of tupperware to bury you on the kitchen floor and you just hope someone else will be around to help dig you out!! Well, it has officially been one week since Thanksgiving and we are down to just a bit of the dark meat now, but earlier this week we still had mashed potatoes, string beans, carrots, pie, and a huge tupperware of turkey to abscond with! We could freeze the leftovers, but we don't have much freezer space right now and I was up for the challenge of...

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The Ultimate Meet Your Rancher and Herd Experience...

Happy Tuesday, When I do my weekly delivery-round in Laramie I am often asked questions about processing animals. Usually these are technical questions about how things work and what tools and proceedures are used. I appreciate the opportunity to provide some clarity on this process that many folks are curious about. I have so much respect for individuals who at least want to have some sort of awareness about the process of converting animals into sustenance for our well-being. Acknowledging this sacrefice and transition is imperative in our efforts to moving towards a more sustainable world- in my opion. Some folks even want to take part in the harvesting of the animal that will sustain them and their family for...

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The Last Day...

Often-times people don't want to think about the last day their food lived. I get it. It's heavy and it can leave us feeling guilty for sustaining ourselves as meat-eaters. AND it often-times leaves people outside the food system thinking that those of us inside the food system are just heartless, cruel, or numb, and that we have turned off our ability to care about what these animals are feeling and experiencing. But I want to offer an alternative perspective and a different experience, because over the years I have come to realize it really doesn't have to be this way. Last week Tom Rardin invited me to go on a small gather to round up some their cattle to...

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